Gilles Müller

Gilles Müller

The 21-year-old Gilles Müller from the canton of Lucerne is celebrated in the Swiss show jumping scene as one of the most promising young talents. Despite his six appearances at European Championships and his passionate dedication to equestrian sports, participation in the 2022 European Championships in Oliva Nova, Spain, seemed distant.

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Peter Neuenschwander

Peter Neuenschwander

Peter Neuenschwander loves ultra runs. The supreme discipline among these running events are the 100-kilometer runs. His love for the sport began when he was 14 years old. Since then it has become more than just a sport: "It is a very important part of my life and means freedom for me!" he says.

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Benjamin Brown

Benjamin Brown

Benjamin Brown works in the consultancy industry and he is a passionate rugby player. He broke his forearm during a league match and has been wearing a Medartis implant ever since. Born near Birmingham, the 27-year-old has been playing rugby since he was 5 years old. Benjamin is aware of the danger.

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